Submit Your Ad
Email your art files to:
If the size of your artwork file(s) exceeds 50 mb, please email us and we will provide you with further instruction.
Digital Ad File Requirements
Preferred file format:
Press-ready PDF (PDF/X-1a:2001 preferred)
Standard DPI Resolution:
220 DPI (newsprint)
300 DPI (glossy)
Palette colors should be saved to accept both CMYK conversions and spot color conversion if applicable. We are unable to support RGB color formatting.
Dot Gain & Total Ink Limit:
Newsprint dot gain: 30%
Newsprint total ink limit: 240%
Glossy dot gain: 5-10%
Glossy total ink limit: 320%
Feel free to contact our Prepress Department. We're here to help!
Call: (360) 735-4424